Trace 1

Trace 1 - Level Designs

World 1 - PAINT

The bright colors and geometric shapes in this world ended up being the most iconic imagery from Trace 1.

World 2 - WATER

Worlds 2 and 6 break from convention and connect all 20 levels into one linear adventure. The player travels across the seafloor and discovers a cave with some treasure.

World 4 - CHALK

This world features words that the player must interpret and react to. In the first screenshot, 'sword', 'sharp rock', and 'stove' damages the player. 'Pillow' and 'air' are safe to pass through.

World 6 - SPACE

In this connected world, the player starts out in some asteroids near Earth..

..then traverses the outside and inside of a spaceship..

..and ends up inside a black hole for the game's finale.